Software-defined DataCenter, your answer to managing multi-generational infrastructure

Jun 21, 2021 | Infrastructure Solutions

There are so many aspects to take into account when refreshing your IT infrastructure, even though you might have your requirements pegged down, that is the easy part. The part that isn’t always taken into consideration is that goal posts shift and your business needs will change in the process.

The scenario:

You have ordered your new servers and storage, they have been installed, a couple of weeks down the line you realise that your goalposts have shifted again and you have new refined business needs. You need more equipment and run the risk of your new systems being underutilized.

In this day and age, it is very difficult to keep up with the pace of today’s IT requirements and your business needs to think about building smart data centres. There is a growing need for operating efficiently through cost reduction in IT spending.

The facts:

  • IT managers are faced with the ever-rising cost of technology refresh and scale-out of systems due to Big Data
  • Intel DataCenterGroup estimates resources are underutilized at rate of up to 45% and DataCenter operation efficiency is only at 50%
  • PUE costs are increasing, data center real estate square footage prices are on the rise and manpower hour rates are climbing exponentially
  • In-house server capacity is probably in the range of 20% to 50% even when you factor in virtualization gains
  • Traditional IT paradigm has resulted in a cumbersome hardware provisioning process, with a fixed ratio of computing, storage, accelerator resources, and a lack of a one-size-fits-all platform capable of monitoring, telemetry, analytics and intelligent system management.

The solution:

IT organizations require a management platform to span multiple generations of infrastructure technology. It’s time you started thinking about a software defined DataCenter…

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