by Marius Van Vuuren | Sep 20, 2022 | Infrastructure Solutions, Insights, Professional Services
By Marius van Vuuren, Senior Technical Specialist at Breakpoint In a lot of organisations, IT is having a tough time right now: business needs innovation, new apps and digital transformation right now, but there isn’t the budget, or the new kit you need to support...
by Mike Styer | Aug 30, 2022 | Cloud Solutions, Infrastructure Solutions, Insights, Professional Services
By Mike Styer, General Manager at Breakpoint Ransomware now makes news almost daily, and for good reason. Massive attacks are disrupting governments and essential services, costing enterprises millions and even shutting down small and medium sized businesses. The...
by Mike Styer | Jul 27, 2022 | Infrastructure Solutions, Insights, Professional Services
By Mike Styer, General Manager at Breakpoint No sooner had the world begun returning to some semblance of pre-pandemic normal than we found ourselves facing a plethora of new challenges. New disruptive forces are coming at us from all sides, creating a ‘superstorm’...
by Mike Styer | Jun 29, 2022 | Cloud Solutions, Infrastructure Solutions, Professional Services
Innovation and mobile convenience are key business drivers for mobile financial services globally, but in the developing world, assuring financial inclusion is driving up costs and slowing time to market. This is because developers are constrained by limited...